Mystic Expressions by Sadequain: An Odyssey to Exaltation with Ghalib, Iqbal, Faiz, and SADEQUAIN



Language English
Page count 282 pages
ISBN-13 979-8846555419
Weight 1.75 pounds
Dimensions 8 x 0.86 x 10 inches


Sadequain’s paintings, based on the poetry of Ghalib, Iqbal and Faiz represent a confluence of the most extraordinary talent of the art and Urdu literature. The extraordinary collection of 53 illustrative paintings and two large murals by Sadequain included in this book, based on the visions of the greatest poets of the Urdu language, Ghalib, Iqbal, and Faiz reminds us that, renouncing the seduction and eschewing the allurement of material entrapments can help levitate mankind to an exalted state.

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